Homosexual Suspect

A blog addressing the trials and tribulations of a real-life (mostly) gay sex addict. Designed to raise awareness of the reality of this disease, the goal is not to glorify or make light of a terrible affliction, but rather to candidly illustrate what it's like from my perspective. For sex addicts, sexual compulsives, romantic obsessives and the friends and family thereof. Title derived from the title of Jenny Garp's bestseller Sexual Suspect in John Irving's classic The World According to Garp.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Recent Developments

Sorry for my unforgiveable/inexcuseable absence.

BUT, I ended up actually going out on a few dates/staying in for a few dates with Mr. Lee and things have progressed quite nicely. Suffice to say, Mr. Lee has, to date, proven to be nothing short of a fantastic date. To the point that it makes me almost not even be able to type anything else about him.

Compared to my previous relationships, he's a star. He's not self-loathing, doesn't wet the bed, and actually responds to sexual advances. It's almost refreshing to remember that you are sexy, wanted, sought after.

I intend to write a full account of the dates and provide some more HS history within the coming weekend. Getting a new apartment now, so with moving and all, things are a little behind.


  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger Dolly said…

    That is such great news!!! Can't wait to hear more...


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