Homosexual Suspect

A blog addressing the trials and tribulations of a real-life (mostly) gay sex addict. Designed to raise awareness of the reality of this disease, the goal is not to glorify or make light of a terrible affliction, but rather to candidly illustrate what it's like from my perspective. For sex addicts, sexual compulsives, romantic obsessives and the friends and family thereof. Title derived from the title of Jenny Garp's bestseller Sexual Suspect in John Irving's classic The World According to Garp.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Round Peg Strikes Back

Oh boy.

So last night, I finally got a response from Round Peg. Apparently, he thought it over, and he finally decided that he wouldn't post the pictures of me around my building. Except there was a catch. I have to "do what [I] said I would at least 4 times." Umm... what is that about? So, I asked what exactly I said I would do. His response, "I want my dick sucked. Isn't that what you like to do?" Now, is that a fair question? How could I say no? Moreover, 4 times? What is this, like some kind of like penance? Something like, "Okay, my son, please say 10 Hail Mary's and your sins will be forgiven"? Wow. Luckily, I've been able to defer and try and evasion tactics, and he seems to be friendly now. Oreo is very nervous about me inviting this guy to our place anyway, so I can use her as an excuse. Really, though, the way I look at it-- even if I did suck his dick 4 times, I still don't think he would go away. I just need to slowly cut ties to this guy. I am hoping, like so many other guys out there, he'll just go away.

What pisses me off is how he and the other guys like this all seem to be ruining the potential fun and (relative) harmlessness of my beloved Craigslist. Assholes like this guy who can't take no for answer, pricks who just collect pictures, and freaks who can't just let someone get on the site and request a specific type to hook up with (you know, those guys that say, "No Asians" or "Black guys only") are absolutely ruining what should be otherwise a very private/satisfying experience.

On another note, I think I may be corrupting Oreo. The poor girl has been home sick from work all week and we've been chatting a lot about Craigslist. Lately, she's been looking at ads on the "Men Seeking Women" page. I keep telling her it's just not healthy and that bad things will come out of it. Luckily, she's already had a few amazing experiences. I'm kind of jealous, because I can only imagine the kind of awesome ads that women can respond to from straight men. Here are some of the Oreo vignettes that I'll highlight right now for your reading enjoyment:

1. Oreo finds Jesus: Oreo found an ad that apparently talked a lot about fucking girls with tattoos of Jesus on their ass, and then lighting a candle and dripping the wax on their ass. I'm not sure why, but she responded to the ad, only to be immediately spammed by a religious message lamblasting her for being a sinner and the offering her a free Bible.

2. Oreo gets Herpes?: So, some guy posts an ad looking for someone with Herpes. Now Oreo things this is hilarious and responds. Her thought process? "Oh, who would actually say they have Herpes on Craigslist?" Poor, naive Oreo. He responded to her with stats and information and then, Oreo asked him if he really had Herpes. His response, "Yes." And then there was no more interaction between Oreo and her would-be suitor. Note to all out there--- just as people use Craigslist to satisfy that little fetish for feet or whatever, people also use it to find a lover who doesn't mind if they have any STD's or whatever.

3. Oreo Opens Her Mind: Oreo asked me to define a few of the terms that are so loosely thrown around the site. I ended up having to explain to her that "skiing" means blow and "420" means pot.

I'd like to present these 3 vignettes to the jury as proof positive that this girl is a hot mess and should steer clear of Craigslist until she's better prepared for what's in store for a girl like her.


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